PO_INPUT_001 Must provide valid customer ID PO_INPUT_002 Must provide valid purchase order PO_INPUT_003 Must provide valid schema version. See developer.bring.com for latest schema version PO_INPUT_004 Request properties must contain valid datetime PO_INPUT_005 Request properties must contain valid locale PO_INPUT_006 Request properties must be present PO_INPUT_007 Consignment ID is required PO_INPUT_008 Must provide valid EventType. See xsd for list of valid types. PO_INPUT_009 Must provide valid ISO timestamp for event PO_INPUT_010 Purchase order not found. You can not have orderlines to a non-existing purchase order. PO_INPUT_011 Negative quantity not allowed. PO_INPUT_012 Item on transport order does not exist on purchase order. OrderLineId and ArticleLineId must match purchase order. PO_INPUT_013 Shipping container ID is required PO_INPUT_014 A valid container type required for the shipping container and the content PO_INPUT_015 Content for shipping container is required PO_INOUT_016 Content in shipping container requires either consignment ID or shipping container ID PO_INPUT_017 The request contained invalid content. PO_INPUT_018 The request contains input that is not supported. PO_INPUT_019 Some required parameters are missing. PO_INPUT_020 Must provide valid transport order PO_INPUT_021 Article number is required PO_INPUT_022 Article number is required PO_INPUT_023 Content for article balance is required PO_INPUT_024 Attempted to create/insert a purchase order that already existed. Maybe wrong updateIndicator PO_STATE_001 Purchase order not found PO_STATE_002 You must log in to use this endpoint. See developer.bring.com for details about login with HTTP-headers. PO_STATE_003 Order items for requested purchase order not found PO_STATE_004 Access is denied to read this purchaseorder PO_STATE_005 Transport order not found